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New Lipolysis Solution

A high-concentration premium LemonBottle solution combining Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and excellent ingredients for fat decomposition to increase the metabolism of fat cells and accelerate the metabolic process. LemonBottle is an advanced, high-quality product that differentiates highly in formula and results from its competitors solution developed.

How it Works

In 3 Steps


Vitamin B2 stimulates the activation of fat metabolism.


Lecithin breaks down and aids in the transport of unneeded fat cells.


Bromelain helps to break down fat and Remove inflammation.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin, is found naturally in various foods, is added to others, and can also be taken as a dietary supplement. While gut bacteria can produce small quantities of Riboflavin, this amount is insufficient to fulfill dietary requirements.

Riboflavin plays a crucial role in several bodily functions. It is a vital part of coenzymes that contribute to cell growth, energy production, and the breakdown of fats. Since most Riboflavin is utilized immediately and not stored in the body, any surplus is typically excreted in urine.

LemonBottle incorporates this water-soluble vitamin to enhance and speed up the natural fat metabolism process in the bod


Lecithin refers to a variety of yellow-brownish fatty materials found in both animal and plant tissues. These substances are amphiphilic, meaning they attract both water and fatty substances.

Although lecithin doesn’t dissolve well in water, it is an exceptional emulsifier. When mixed with water, its phospholipids can create various structures like liposomes, bilayer sheets, micelles, or lamellar formations. The specific structure formed depends on the level of hydration and the temperature.

The mechanism of lecithin offers several health benefits. It plays a key role in improving cholesterol metabolism and aiding the digestive system. Additionally, it helps in controlling or preventing atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the hardening of arteries.


Bromelain is a powerful digestive enzyme commonly found and extracted from pineapples’ fruits, leaves and stems. All crude papaya latex represents proteolysis, lipolysis and interesterification activities

Bromelain plays a role in many physiological processes and can also affect the disease treatment process.

It also inhibits the formation of fat cells through increasing the genes (C/EBPa and PPARy) that are needed for the for fat cell formation as well as blocking act.mTOR signalling and increased TNF-a levels in mature fat cells causing the fat cells to self-destruct.

Lemonbottle Treatment areas

How Much ml per Each body area?

Download the brochure below and learn how much ml should be injected per session and per body part.


Who's it for?

  1.  People who want to remove stubborn fat around their face
  2.  Struggling with facial lines that have lost elasticity
  3.  People who want to correct the asymmetry of their face
  4.  Troubled by thick double chins
  5.  For those who wish to achieve a contoured face

Treatment Protocol

  1.  Needle: recommend 30G
  2.  Usage per point: 1CC (point interval 1cm)
  3.  Recommend 10~20CC for a Double chin (right & left)
  4.  Maximum face usage up to 30CC



Who's it for?

  1.  Uncomfortable with invasive procedures like liposuction
  2.  Those who struggle to loose stubborn weight with traditional weight loss diets
  3.  If you want to lose weight quickly in a short time
  4.  If you want to solve localised fat in a specific area
  5.  Those who did not get the desired result from surgical procedures

Treatment Protocol

  1.  Recommend to use Cannula or 30G Needle
  2.  Usage per point: 1.5cc ~ 2cc
  3.  Point interval 1.5~2 cm (in case of using 30G needle)
  4.  Based on palm width, the default usage is 10cc (1vial)


LemonBottle Ampoule Solution

Purchase your LemonBottle from an authorised source, LemonBottle EU services most countries in Europe with 1 – 2 day shipping.

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolver Vial

Download The Lemonbottle Product information Brochure

Gain insight into the advanced mechanisms of LemonBottle Fat Dissolver, which has achieved the distinction of being the United Kingdom’s foremost fat dissolution solution.

  • How LemonBottle Works
  • LemonBottle Advanced Technologies 
  • Recommended Treatment Areas